Zorb Ball Safety and Warning by ZorbingBallz.com

Zorb Ball Safety and Warning by ZorbingBallz.com

Zorb Ball Safety and Warning | Buy Quality Zorb Balls

The zorbing running staff must pay attention to the warnings of using zorb ball. The zorb ball safety and warning is always the top concern. Firstly, people should not wear sharp or hard stuff before getting into the hamster zorbing balls. Secondly, choosing a clear day is a better option to hold the outdoor zorbing entertainment. Thirdly, these people are prohibited from joining in the zorb ball event, with hypertension, cardiopathy, over 60 years old or more than 400 pounds.

In addition, we recommend the plays for the persons over 5 feet and aging more than 13. Moreover, the seat belt or harness system should be double checked and confirmed working right and well, when the zorb used for rolling downhill. Finally, the workers must go through the venue carefully to make sure about the safety.

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